俄亥俄州交通官员正在协调几辆卡车的运输,这些卡车运载的“超载”货物重达 90 万磅,高度、宽度和长度都比普通货物大,这是一个复杂的项目,涉及复杂的公众和警察协调。
“这些货物的规划非常紧张,”俄亥俄州交通部新闻秘书 Matt Bruning 告诉《交通话题》。“我们必须评估路线,考虑垂直净空等因素,以及沿途的道路和桥梁是否能处理每一批货物。然后还要协调每批货物的所有执法工作。这是一项大工程。”
自 2 月份以来,近 20 辆“超大货”从曼彻斯特村的俄亥俄河码头驶入俄亥俄州中部的公路。这些大宗货物大部分是运往英特尔正在建设的新工厂的半导体。
Ohio transportation officials are coordinating the movements of several trucks carrying “super loads” of cargo weighing up to 900,000 pounds and with greater heights,widths and lengths than typical loads in a complicatedproject involving intricate public and police coordination.
“The planning for these loads has been pretty intense,” Matt Bruning, Ohio Department of Transportation press secretary, told Transport Topics. “We had to evaluate theroute, looking at things like vertical clearance and couldthe roads and bridges along the route handle each load. Then there’s coordinating all the law enforcement thatgoes with each load. It’s a big operation.”The nearly two dozen “super loads” have since February made their way from an Ohio River dock in the village of Manchesteronto roadways through central Ohio. Most of the massive cargo has been semiconductors beingshipped for a new Intel facility under construction.