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TQL 在阿肯色州小石城设立站点
发表时间:2024-04-09     阅读次数:     字体:【

新办公室面积将超过 5,000 平方英尺,创造 80 个工作岗位。该地点距离 430 号州际公路不到半英里,距离 I-630 一英里,距离阿肯色州 5 号和 10 号公路不到 3 英里,距离小石城港不到 5 英里。


TQL 在《运输主题》北美最大物流公司 100 强榜单中排名第 8。

州长萨拉·赫卡比·桑德斯宣称:“阿肯色州位于美国的十字路口,很荣幸能拥有包括 TQL 在内的一些全球最大的物流公司。我很自豪他们决定加倍投资我们州并扩展到小石城。我的政府将继续减税、投资我们的劳动力并发展我们的经济,以帮助像 TQL 这样的公司蓬勃发展。”



据商会称,TQL 成立于 1997 年,总部位于辛辛那提,计划在小石城工厂创造 80 个工作岗位,该公司已在 1701 Centerview Drive 租用了超过 5,000 平方英尺的空间。

Kerry Byrne

该地点交通便利:距离 430 号州际公路不到半英里,距离 I-630 一英里,距离阿肯色州 5 号和 10 号公路不到 3 英里,距离小石城港不到 5 英里。

“我们在阿肯色州已经十多年了,我们很自豪能够在小石城社区设立办事处,扩大我们的业务范围,深化我们对该州的承诺。”TQL 总裁 Kerry Byrne 表示。“我们选择小石城有很多原因,包括其蓬勃发展的当地经济和大量人才。我们很高兴能成为该州最大的城市的一部分。”

据阿肯色州经济发展委员会称,TQL 认识到在小石城港附近设立办事处具有战略重要性,因为小石城港是对外贸易区和海关入境点。

州经济发展委员会执行董事 Clint O’Neal 指出:“TQL 是一家在阿肯色州拥有良好业绩的大型货运和物流公司,而新的小石城办事处表明,像 TQL 这样的公司正在这个自然之州取得成功。”

TQL 在其费耶特维尔办事处拥有 100 多名团队成员,并计划将其新的小石城办事处扩大到类似的规模。该公司是北美最大的物流公司之一,在美国 60 个办事处拥有 9,000 多名员工。

小石城市长 Frank Scott Jr. 表示:“由于地理和基础设施优势,小石城成为重要的物流和交通枢纽,对于世界上最大的物流公司之一来说,阿肯色州首府是再合适不过的了。我们欢迎 TQL 及其对我们社区的投资,我们赞赏其致力于在我们地区扩张的承诺。”

TQL Opens Little Rock Site at Arkansas Intermodal Hub

New Office to Span More Than 5,000 Square Feet, Create 80 Jobs
Total Quality Logistics employees. The location is less than half a mile from Interstate 430, a mile from I-630, within 3 miles of Arkansas highways 5 and 10 and less than 5 miles from the Port of Little Rock.

Total Quality Logistics executives gathered recently with Arkansas state and local leaders to celebrate the company opening a new office near the Port of Little Rock, a designated Foreign Trade Zone and U.S. Customs Point of Entry.

TQL ranks No. 8 on the Transport Topics Top 100 list of the largest logistics companies in North America.

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders proclaimed, “Arkansas sits at the crossroads of America and is proud to host some of the world’s largest logistics companies, including TQL. I’m proud they’ve decided to double down on their investment in our state and expand to Little Rock. My administration will keep cutting taxes, investing in our workforce and growing our economy to help companies like TQL thrive.”

Jay Chesshir, president and CEO of the Little Rock Regional Chamber, welcomed the company.

“From the Port of Little Rock to Galloway, Maumelle and across the metro, the Little Rock region has emerged as a logistics hub for several of the world’s largest companies,” Chesshir said.

Founded in 1997 in Cincinnati, TQL plans to create 80 jobs at the Little Rock site, where it has leased more than 5,000 square feet at 1701 Centerview Drive, according to the chamber.

That location provides ready transportation access: less than half a mile from Interstate 430, a mile from I-630, within 3 miles of Arkansas highways 5 and 10 and less than 5 miles from the Port of Little Rock.

“We’ve been in Arkansas for over a decade and are proud to expand our footprint and deepen our commitment to the state with an office in the Little Rock community,” TQL President Kerry Byrne said. “We chose Little Rock for many reasons, including its thriving local economy and great pool of talent. We’re excited to be part of the state’s largest municipality.”

According to the Arkansas Economic Development Commission, TQL recognized the strategic importance in having a location near the Port of Little Rock, with its attributes as a Foreign Trade Zone and Customs Point of Entry.

Clint O’Neal, executive director of the state Economic Development Commission, noted, “TQL is a major freight and logistics firm with an established track record in Arkansas, and the new Little Rock office demonstrates that companies like TQL are finding success here in the Natural State.”

TQL employs more than 100 team members at its Fayetteville office and aims to grow its new Little Rock office to be of similar size. The company, among North America’s largest logistics firms, has over 9,000 employees in 60 offices across the U.S.

Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott Jr. said, “Because of the geographic and infrastructure advantages that make Little Rock an important logistical and transportation hub, there’s no better fit than Arkansas’ capital city for one of the world’s largest logistics firms. We welcome TQL and its investment in our community, and we appreciate its commitment to expansion within our region.”

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