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发表时间:2024-04-15     阅读次数:     字体:【

死亡、人身伤害和财产损失需要 100 万美元保险。

肯塔基州卡车运输协会主席 Rick Taylor 表示,当自动驾驶汽车成为传统卡车运输的一种补充方式时,该州需要做好准备参与其中。

肯塔基州已合法为道路上的自动驾驶汽车铺平了道路,立法者在 4 月 12 日获得了足够的支持,克服了两院的强烈反对,推翻了州长 Andy Beshear 对众议院第 7 号法案的否决。Beshear 于 4 月 5 日否决了这项立法,他称该立法广泛适用于肯塔基州道路和高速公路上的全自动驾驶汽车,包括商用车。“只有在经过仔细研究和考虑,并经过长时间的有执照的人类驾驶员驾驶测试后,肯塔基州的高速公路和道路才能向完全自动驾驶汽车开放,其他州在通过此类法律之前也这样做过,”州长表示。他指出,该法案未能“完全解决有关自动驾驶汽车安全性的问题,也没有实施要求有执照的人类驾驶员驾驶的测试期。”

该立法(HB 7,有关自动驾驶汽车的法案)对州法规“第 186 章:机动车、操作员和拖车的许可”进行了全面而冗长的修订,最终增加了 9 个新章节,并更改了其他 4 个部分,共计 34 页。最终法律经历了多次迭代,因为它受到立法者在 1 月 9 日在州议会提出后提出的一系列成功、撤回和失败的修正案的影响。该法案在众议院的提案人均为共和党人:众议员乔希·布雷、大卫·米德、史蒂夫·布拉彻和基利安·蒂莫尼。众议院议员以 58 票对 40 票推翻了州长的否决,但参议院以 21 票对 15 票通过法案,这给法案设置了更多障碍。

肯塔基州卡车运输协会主席兼首席执行官里克·泰勒表示,肯塔基州卡车运输协会支持该法案,但并未出庭作证或游说该法案获得通过。上一次立法会议于 4 月 15 日休会,这是第二次就自动驾驶汽车法案进行辩论。

泰勒告诉《运输话题》,肯塔基州卡车运输协会支持这项新法案,因为当自动驾驶汽车成为补充普通卡车运输的一种方式时,肯塔基州需要有能力参与其中,尤其是考虑到该州在重型汽车和航空航天工业方面的制造优势。根据肯塔基州经济发展部的数据,肯塔基州 2022 年的航空航天产品/零部件出口额接近 105 亿美元,拥有 100 多家航空航天相关设施,雇用了 23,000 多名工人。他说,肯塔基州交通管理局支持这项立法,以便当自动驾驶汽车“以某种形式或方式进入这里的行业空间”时,肯塔基州能够采用自动驾驶汽车。沃尔沃的 Chayene de Souza 和 Magnus Gustafson 讨论了新型联网卡车如何促进业务发展、加强安全实践和加强预防性维护计划。请在上面收听或访问 RoadSigns.ttnews.com。


据肯塔基州立法发言人称,新法的大部分内容将于 6 月 15 日生效。

从法律生效之日起至 2026 年 7 月 31 日,一辆申报总重超过 62,000 磅的全自动驾驶汽车和任何被牵引的车辆都必须有一名拥有适当资质的人类驾驶员来操作车辆,在车内监控性能并在必要时进行干预。此要求不被定义为测试期。只有卡车车队中的领头车辆必须有一名人类驾驶员,直到 2026 年 8 月 1 日,届时将不再需要人类驾驶员。还规定了自动驾驶汽车必须有特定金额的保险。任何根据新法律运营的全自动驾驶汽车都必须向部门备案赔偿保证金或保险单,赔偿金额至少为 100 万美元,用于事故造成的人员死亡/受伤,以及 100 万美元的财产损失。此外,如果事故涉及全自动驾驶汽车,该车辆的车主/指定人有责任向执法部门提交事故报告。必须填写保险要求证明。








Five Auto Haulers to Merge as Backer Files for IPO

Combined Entity to be Led by Ex-Saia CEO, Eyes Multiple Acquisitions

Five auto carriers look set to merge, with the combined entity likely to then add to its assets by buying up competitors, if an initial public offering pans out as planned, according to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing.

Filing under the name of Proficient Auto Logistics, the plan is that the five companies — Proficient Auto Transport, Delta Automotive Services, Deluxe Auto Carriers, Sierra Mountain Group and Tribeca Automotive — would combine and become one of the larger auto haulers in North America.The combined company would operate roughly 1,130 auto transport vehicles and trailers, including 615 company-owned transport vehicles and trailers, according to the April 11 SEC filing.As of Nov. 30, the filing said, the 615 company-owned tractors and trailers had an average age of around 5.8 years and 5.6 years, respectively.The combined companies had 649 employees at that point and 49 locations across the United States. Proficient Auto Transport is based in Jacksonville, Fla., Delta and Tribeca are based in New Jersey, while Deluxe and Sierra Mountain are based in California.

The five companies service 17 of the top 18 global original equipment manufacturers by sales volume in 2022 that sell in the U.S. The companies posted a compounded annual growth rate of about 15% from 2019 to 2023 and argue in the prospectus that there are a number of tailwinds set to boost the fragmented sector.

Tailwinds for auto carriers include recovering auto sales and production volumes, transportation equipment capacity shortages, a shift toward nonunion auto transportation and logistics companies, increasing auto replacement rates and growth in EV consumption, it said.The prospectus argues the anticipated management team at the newly enlarged carrier would exploit those tailwinds as well as potential supply chain efficiencies and rivals it could buy up and slot into its portfolio.Former Saia Inc. CEO Richard O’Dell would take the helm of the combined company as CEO. Alongside O’Dell would be auto transportation veteran Randy Beggs as chief operating officer.

Beggs, who has served as CEO of Proficient Auto Transport since 2018, spent over 20 years at Jack Cooper Holdings.Kansas City, Mo.-based Jack Cooper Holdings is the No. 2-ranked player in the auto transportation sector with 857 company-owned tractors, 429 lease-to-own tractors and 1,284 trailers.Jack Cooper trails only Plymouth, Mich.-based United Road Services on the Transport Topics list of the largest auto haulers in North America. It runs 1,128 company-owned tractors, 850 lease-to-own tractors and 2,110 trailers. Jack Cooper also ranks No. 75 on the TT 100 list of the top for-hire carriers in North America.

“The auto transportation and logistics industry is highly fragmented, with the majority of the industry represented by smaller, regional providers representing attractive tuck-in acquisition opportunities for us. We see opportunity with regional providers that overlap existing geographic footprints of the founding companies that would improve our network density in select geographies and add new customers,” according to the prospectus.

“There are several new geographic regions where we can expand our footprint via the acquisition of smaller regional providers,” it added. “When pursuing an acquisition, we intend to acquire established, high-quality companies in markets where we can establish a leading market position to serve as core businesses into which additional operations may be consolidated.”

上一篇:美国能源研究所:石油峰值不会在 2030 年前产生
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