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发表时间:2024-05-07     阅读次数:     字体:【



爱达荷州新法律于 7 月 1 日生效,允许商用车在司机休息时以及在运送易腐烂货物时空转。

众议院第 533 号法案于 3 月 12 日由州长布拉德·利特尔 (R) 颁布,修订了爱达荷州法典第 49-937 条关于车辆消声器和噪音预防的现有条款,使商用机动车在某些情况下空转和使用制冷是合法的。

众议员克莱·汉迪 (Clay Handy) (共和党) 本人是卡车运输公司的高管,也是众议院运输和国防委员会成员,他推动了这项立法。他在 2 月 8 日的法案提出时担任了该法案的现场发起人。他曾两次担任爱达荷州卡车运输协会主席,也是总部位于爱达荷州保罗的 Handy Truck Line 的主席,该公司成立于 1928 年。该法案在参议院的发起人是参议员辛迪·卡尔森 (Cindy Carlson),她是一名企业主,在教育、农业事务和交通委员会任职。她拥有超过三十年的商业经验,与丈夫共同创办了多家企业,涉及伐木、卡车运输、牧场和偏远地区货运。



新法律得到了 ITA 首席执行官艾伦·霍奇斯 (Allen Hodges) 的支持,旨在不增加州或地方政府的州或地方资金支出,也不会对财政产生影响。

New Idaho Law OKs Truck Idling for Resting Drivers

Enables Heating or Air Conditioning to Be Used in Parked Vehicles

A section of the law notes that a refrigerated commercial vehicle while parked is allowed to operate while carrying perishable commodities and/or pharmaceuticals.

A new Idaho law takes effect July 1 allowing commercial vehicles to idle when drivers are resting inside and also when perishable goods are being delivered.

Enacted March 12 by Gov. Brad Little (R), House Bill 533 amended existing sections of Section 49-937 of the Idaho Code on vehicle mufflers and noise prevention to make it legal for commercial motor vehicles to idle and use refrigeration in certain circumstances.

Rep. Clay Handy (R) — himself a trucking company executive and member of the House Transportation and Defense Committee — shepherded the legislation. He acted as the bill’s floor sponsor for its Feb. 8 introduction. He has twice served as president of the Idaho Trucking Association and is president of Paul, Idaho-based Handy Truck Line, which was founded in 1928. The bill’s sponsor in the Senate was Sen. Cindy Carlson, a business owner who serves on the Education, Agricultural Affairs and Transportation committees. She has more than three decades of business experience co-founding multiple businesses with her husband that encompass logging, trucking, ranching and backcountry freight.

The new law will permit commercial vehicles to idle to enable the use of a vehicle’s heating or air conditioning system as long as the vehicle is parked when the driver is resting or sleeping. The provisions of the new law also apply to the use of auxiliary power units to provide heating or air conditioning to the vehicle.

Another section of the new law notes that a refrigerated commercial vehicle while parked is allowed to operate while carrying perishable commodities and/or pharmaceuticals, as long as that vehicle complies with state law for having a muffler in good working order.

The new law, backed by ITA CEO Allen Hodges, was determined to cause no additional expenditure of state or local funds at the state or local level of government and have no fiscal impact.

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